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Friday prayers and Khutba
By Brother A
July 7th, 2022
Today, Friday prayer was performed in the nearby community center.
The topic of the khutbah today was timely selected to be about the virtues and characters of the first ten days of Zhul-hijjah.
The imam started by listing the evidence to support the superiority of these blessed days from the Quran and Hadeeth, he also draw some comparisons between these days and the last ten days and nights of Ramadan.
Then he explained how we can practically get the most reward these days by fasting, remembrance of Allah, and giving to charity. Finally, he gave a brief explanation about the possibility of the month of Zhul-hijjah starting on different days depending on the geographical place.
May Allah accept all your good deeds.

Islamic Teachings for Kids
By Sister R.S
June 28th, 2022
All Muslim parents living in non-muslim countries generally share the same concern: how to teach their children to understand and practice Islam.
Indeed, it is not an easy task, especially in the lack of support from the environment (such as lack of Muslim friends, schools, teachers, etc.).
For families living in Japan, the language barrier can be another problem if the children speak only Japanese since not much Islamic literature in Japanese nor Japanese-speaking teachers are available.
However, Japan’s Muslim community continues to grow, especially in our Osaka Ibaraki Masjid area.
To facilitate the urgent need to educate Muslim children about their religion, our Masjid has started Islamic education programs for kids.
Our Masjid’s programs for the kids include the teachings of Arabic readings and some basics about Islam (such as shahada, the pillars of Islam, how to make Wudu’ and perform Salah, etc.). These programs are run by volunteers, mainly students; workers; and their families, under the supervision of our Imam.
Recently, a new program of Kids Programming was launched this June.
This programming class is intended to attract the children to get excited with masjid activities and get to know other Muslim children while learning some basic programming in playful ways.
Through these programs, we hope to help muslim parents encourage their children to learn and love Islam. Moreover, we hope it will generate friendships among Muslim children of different families, which is very important, especially in a place where Muslim culture and traditions are not common outside of the Masjid.
May Allah accept our efforts and help us teach our children to become a better generation of Muslims.